
Tuesday 30 March 2021


don't worry you read that title right if  you're thinking why are they talking  about the playstation 6 when the five  hasn't even dropped yet well this is  life's biggest questions and we know  damn well what the ps5 is going to look  like but we don't have any indication  not even a single clue what the ps6  could potentially look like  aside from looks what capabilities could  the next gen console expected to  possibly drop in 2026 or 2027  have i mean there's no telling for sure  what direction technology in general is  going to go  over the next five to 10 years but some  experts believe they have some of the  answers and using these predictions  along with the direction playstation.

has  gone in over the years well we just  might be able to figure out what the ps6  is potentially going to look like a time capsule we're  just gonna go for it and looking back in  six or seven years i'm either gonna  sound like a time traveler or a complete   depending on how accurate or  inaccurate i am that's a risk i'm  willing to take because no one ever got  anywhere playing it safe today on life's  biggest questions we're asking what will  the ps6 look like what's happening guys  welcome back to another video i'm your  host jared bronstein and today we're  talking about sony's next potential  console  post ps5 it is possible to come out with another.

handheld portable system and  maybe that is the ps6  stick around to the end of this one for  some common replies but for now let's  jump right into it and break this one  down  in regards to what the actual console  may look like it seems as the years go  on things have been getting more sleek  if that's the right word thinner with  sharper edges comparing the first  generation console to the fifth well one  is a square while the other is a much  thinner rectangle  i mean the playstation i guess was more  of a rectangle because it wasn't even on  all four sides but the point i'm making  is one was much wider and boxy if you  will while the most recent console is  taller much thinner and more futuristic  looking so what could you expect from.

the playstation 6 well it's more than  likely that they maintain  a similar appearance to its predecessor  assuming it's a console that would not  be portable it's likely that they tried  to reduce the size as it seems the common consensus with technology  is that as we advance things they get  more powerful yet smaller cell phones  are a good example of that  and even something like an ipad mini or  the surface further proves that point  back in the day a computer was a heavy  chunky piece of machinery now you could  walk around with a little tablet that  hooks up to a keyboard and you can do  everything.

you'd be able to do on an old  computer plus much much more  going back to the ps6 it seems they'd  likely keep the similar style and would  continue with either a white black or  gray color scheme it's possible they go  blue replicating sony's colors but it  seems the console itself has remained a  solid color or shade one may say however  if they decide to make the playstation 6  portable however they manage to do so  they may offer a few different colors  similar to that of the iphone  don't be surprised if the ps6 assuming  it is a portable handheld device  comes in colors such as black white gray  blue and red they seem to be the most  common neutral colors and with.

the  exception of red  all have ties to sony one way or another  i mean the circle is red on the  controller so there's that now going  with this idea that the console itself  is portable and handheld  of course this would drastically change  everything but maybe it doesn't even  need to be handheld  we'll touch on that idea a little bit  later on but focusing on this new  handheld device how would that affect  things like cell phones  yeah that's where i'm going with this  one now it may sound crazy but think of  it from the other way around  cell phone started off as just a device  used to contact someone.

you could call someone and have a  conversation then in advance to include  texting  fast forward to 2020 and we got all  these different apps that range from  games to health our phones are better  than a lot of photography and  videography cameras  and of course they're also cell phones  how we got from point a to where we are  now  technology advanced but who would have  ever thought that cell phones would be  considered a technology that we would  play games on  fortnite angry birds animal crossing you  get it so going back to this idea that  gaming consoles could eventually lean  towards becoming a device that not only  supports games but also.

allows us to  call and message our friends well  there's already the party option where  you invite someone and speak on a  headset so technically speaking  if the consoles we currently have were  portable wouldn't that be similar to  what a cell phone kind of is  and given that the consoles have gotten  much more powerful and things appear to  be getting smaller in size  on top of the fact that everything is  going to a cloud-based system  maybe this isn't such a far-fetched idea  after all they had the psp at one point  and the ps vita which were both way  ahead of their time there are great  ideas and if they tried to recreate  something similar there's no telling how  far sony would be able to take things  in a sense they could eventually see  smartphones and apps rivaling their  consoles and games and decide  they're going to play hardball and try  to encroach .

on the smartphone territory  imagine a world where it's no longer  apple versus samsung and sony versus  microsoft  and instead all four are going head to  head sounds like a good time to me of  course we can't forget google but  yeah now maybe the idea of a handheld  console sounds outlandish maybe you guys  are thinking i'm off my rocker here and  there's no way that gaming consoles ever  compete with cell phones i mean at one  point when everyone wanted to go further  faster  the common consensus was to make faster  cars the wright brothers on the other  hand  thought outside of the box and created  flight but if you're not into this idea  that consoles can be mobile devices  let's look at vr it seems to be.

the way  of the future and although it's not  necessarily something that every single  household has maybe sony decides  they want to go all in and be the first  company to revolve the entire console  around virtual  reality now what i'm about to say next  is either going to be completely insane  or completely genius  like i said looking back on this video  in 2026 or 2027  when the ps6 is expected to drop well it  can be very hit or miss  still what if the ps6 was just a vr set  given that everything has been moving to  a cloud-based system where you don't  need as much physical hardware as you  did before  this may not sound so crazy as you guys.

know i'm an xbox player and since buying  my xbox back in 2015  the only games i have on a disc are  assassin's creed because it came with  the bundle and nhl 20 because my friend  got it for me all my other games are  digital downloads  and with this in mind who's to say sony  doesn't decide they want to make things  as easy as possible  allowing users to connect to all their  games through virtual reality and having  that processing power in that vr set  alone to run high quality games  in a sense that's what's already being  done of course you need a console to run  the games but maybe somehow they find a  way to implement both software and  hardware into just a vr set that will  allow you to feel completely immersed.

in a game with just the headset and the  headset alone maybe a chair even becomes  a part of it and before we know it we  all turn into neo from the matrix now  the final aspect of the ps6 would be  some sort of artificial intelligent  aspect  like siri or alexa things are also  moving toward an easier more convenient  way to the point that people could ask  siri to play a song  or alexa to dim the lights and it's done  and given the rate the technology is  moving it is quite possible sony  implements this into their new system  from turning the console on to starting.

up and even buying games there's  software that recognizes your voice to  confirm your identity  my bank currently has it so it's not a  crazy thought for sony to decide  they want to make things easier on their  users allowing voice control to purchase  games  using the voice recognition software and  the software could work with any of the  above versions of the consoles i  mentioned  the handheld the vr you get it now maybe  they decide they're going to stick to  what they know  and just keep making the stay-at-home  consoles we've all grown to love after  they stopped production in 2019 of their  handheld devices the tech world came to  terms that they weren't interested in  competing witH.

the likes of nintendo  who's been killing it with a switch but  again with google coming out with their  own gaming system  and cell phones it's not such a crazy  thought sony decides to follow suit it's  likely we're going to have to wait until  about 2023 for the leaks and all the  rumors about the console but if things  keep going the way they are i wouldn't  be surprised if sony decides to really  switch things up with their next console  of course this also depends heavily on  how the ps5 does for them if there's not  as much interest as there has been in  the past.

which let's be real people are super  excited for it then maybe they switch  things up but due to the fact that the  majority of people i've spoken to have  shown excitement for the ps5  and don't even care much about the xbox  series x well i doubt they'll have any  issues selling i also need new friends  alright that does it for this one guys  let us know your thoughts in the comment  section down below and what you think  the ps6 could possibly look like who  knows maybe if sony steals your idea you  can have a court case and sue them for a  lot of money so make sure to comment  below and get that in writing asap for  now let's reply to some comments from. so Thank Guys!

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