
Wednesday 4 August 2021

Why Transparent Solar Panels Are The Future ! Future Solar Technology

Hello friends A visionary new technology wants to upend the  way we power society by harvesting solar energy    from windows on your home, the windscreen of your  car, and even from the screen of your smartphone.  Transparent solar panels offer a clear  solution to the problem of where to put  new photovoltaic cells. The plan is  architects going forwards can simply  coat the next generation of skyscrapers with  high-tech panes of this groovy generative glass.  Can it really be that simple? Join  us as we look into the potential for transparent solar panels  to be the future of energy.  

Hang on a second, you’re probably thinking. A window’s one job is to let light pass through it,right? How can it do that, and simultaneously harvest our sun’s bountiful energy?  Well, there’s a lot more to sunlight than the parts you and I can see. Indeed, the so-called visible spectrum of light is a comparatively small subset of all electromagnetic frequencies.Transparent solar cells typically rely on devices known as transparent luminescent  solar concentrators or TLSC. TLSCs are composed of clever organic salts which  absorb invisible portions of natural light – infra-red and ultraviolet,  basically. These salts then proceed to ‘glow’, in a manner of speaking, and this glow powers narrow photovoltaic strips which are discreetly situated at the very edge of the windowpane.

 The resulting  power is then converted into electricity and fed into the local building or grid. These nifty see-through cells are capable  of operating at an efficiency of around 10%,  which is roughly half that of a regular opaque solar cell. And even though that might sound,  well, a bit rubbish, researchers are  at panes to point out what matters with    transparent solar isn’t the efficiency per se,  but instead the potential scale for deployment.  Right now, experts reckon, the United  States alone has between five and seven  billion square meters of glass. One-tenth of  that is still a pretty big deal – capable,  according to some estimates, of meeting perhaps  40% of the nation’s annual energy requirements.

 And okay, fair enough, it’s not as if every single  existing window is about to get retrofitted to work with see-through solar. But when you remember some two-and-a-half billion square  meters of new architectural glass is installed  on office blocks and shopfronts around the world  each and every year, the potential for  growth in this sector is crystal clear.  Several startups across the globe are vying  for a slice of this new-minted industry.  Ubiquitous Energy, which began  life as an academic project at MIT,    has received millions of dollars in grants from  the California Energy Commission for its patented 

 UE Power technology. By scooping up power in the  infra-red spectrum, Ubiquitous’s solar coating can not only generate electricity but can help block solar heat and save air-conditioning costs, paving the way for the dream of net-zero buildings. The firm has already partnered with leading glass manufacturer NSG Group, who  were so impressed with the technology on display  they installed it in the lobby of their own headquarters in Northwood, Ohio.  ClearVue, a solar company based in Western  Australia, uses a slightly different technique.

Its transparent luminescent solar  concentrator takes the form of a spectrally  selective polyvinyl butyral interlayer  sandwiched between two panes of glass.    Infrared light is still transmitted  to photovoltaic cells in the frame, the only difference is it isn’t a coating  on the exterior. So far ClearVue’s tech has been successfully installed in the glass  atrium of a suburban Perth shopping mall.

Solar Gaps, a European team, take a slightly  different tack, installing solar blinds    inside – or just outside of – office windows.  The great advantage of blinds is they can be  mechanically oriented to make the most of whatever  sunlight is around. And for every square meter    installed they claim they can generate 100 watts  of power or roughly enough to power three laptops.

The most innovative use of clear solar is  on, of all places, a Swiss strawberry farm.  A new four-year pilot project has replaced  plastic polytunnels commonly used in agriculture    with a bank of Theia's, or Translucency  and High Efficiency in Agrivoltaics. These panels not only hoover up  vital photons for power generation but can alter the extent of their tint to optimize the level of light getting through  to the precious plants inside. This should, if  it works at least, help those delicious crops photosynthesize and produce better yields, crucially using the same land footprint.

One particularly intriguing potential day-to-day  application of this technology is in smartphone screens. A team led by Professor Joondong Kim  at South Korea's Incheon National University   has demonstrated that their tech, harnessing a  clever blend of titanium dioxide and nickel oxide, could create power at phone-sized scales. Maybe  not enough for a full charge, for now at least,  but at least sufficient for a helpful battery  boost in the middle of a busy working day.

Transparent solar is not without its critics, many  of whom claim the technology has been supposedly  forthcoming for the better part of two decades  now with precious little commercial success. Such skepticism is healthy, so long as regulators  and investors are well-informed enough to spot    dodgy transparent solar projects and  see right through them if you will. 

It’s pretty unlikely to be a panacea  for the energy crisis, let’s say.  But working alongside other clean energy sources,  transparent solar could help drive out  towns and cities towards carbon neutrality, without sacrificing the all-important aesthetics of 21st-century architecture.  What do you think? Would you get  transparent solar installed in your home?  What about your car? Let us know in the comments, so Thank you

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