
Sunday 28 March 2021

God of War Ragnarok Top 10 Predictions 2021


Hello Guys! today we're talking about 10 predictions  for god of war ragnarok  which god do you think kratos will kill  next  what is that secret plans concealed by  tears so none could access by him  and those few others the giants trusted  come no looking back now  my name on the wall  the giants called me loki  before we begin we publish new content  all week long  so be sure to subscribe and ring the  bell to get notified about our latest  videos  less padding  borrowing heavily from movies the 2018  god of war  didn't have a single camera cut or  loading screen  beyond loading into the game for the  first time when you boot it  but a game has to load.

somehow and  loading screens were hidden by the long  process of travelling between  midgard's realms  on the ps5 the new console's  capabilities and its ssd  will mean that the game doesn't have to  worry about disguising long loading  times  santa monica will be free to throw in  more action  bigger areas and increase the pace and  there should be significantly less padding though we're still sure to see outstanding cinematography  even without this necessary trickery come  no looking back now new weapons kratos went through most of his previous  games using the blades of chaos  his trademark weapons and then the 2018  game introduced his powerful leviathan  axe kratos later recovered his blades of  chaos  and had both weapons at his disposal.

but  is the next game going to follow this  formula  exactly  we think kratos might get his hands on  another weapon  bringing with it an entirely new  dimension to the game's combat  since atreus is a master with a bow it's  likely kratos is going to stick to melee  but will we see him retrieve the weapons  from his downed enemies  wielding the likes of thor's hammer in  the next outing  was he planning on doing this himself  release date  we all know that ragnarok is going to be  great  but when will we actually be able to  play it when this sequel was officially  announced  back in 2020 not that we didn't already  know one was coming.

the release window of 2021 was given but  will the game actually hit shelves this  year  well radio silence from sony could mean  that unfortunately  we won't see ragnarok too soon god of  war 2018  had a five-year development time though  so even a 2022 release date doesn't seem  far off the mark the studio's director  corey barlog  has said publicly that the game will  release when it's ready  we can certainly wait a little longer  for a game of this caliber  indeed kratos is a tear  look at that it's the missing panel  about here  one must have stolen it but why one  popular theory that has been circulating  since 2018  is that kratos is actually the norse god  tear  at the moment.

the law seems to suggest  that kratos has to be pharbote  an incredibly minor figure in norse  mythology who is generally thought to be  loki's father  tyr on the other hand is a nordic war  god who is probably a son of odin  his eyes they are jewels  like yours criticism's father is zeus  but  zeus and odin are equivalent deities so  it's possible  there's something to this idea and just  like odin  tyr is destined to come to blows with  the wolf fenrir  which could definitely make for an  interesting fight if farboty and tyr are  one and the same what is that secret  plans concealed by tears so none could  access by him  and those few others the giants trusted  loki  my name on the wall .

the giants called me loki  of war 2018 ended with a revelation  nobody  saw coming kratos's young son atreus was  actually given the name  loki by his mother since atreus just  like his father  is a god it's clear that he's loki the  trickster  in mythology it's loki's involvement  with the death of boulder that begins  ragnarok which is exactly how the games  have gone so far  this means that in the sequel we could  see atreus discovering his godly powers  specifically the ability loki has to  shapeshift  right after i finish killing your and there are many more routes santa  monica could go down to explore this  loki is the father of jormungund and  fenrir  and there are many theories that time  travel will become  important as the games continue the  question for another day  let us go home odin race me father  it is time.

to end this yes my son  it is time the most powerful and  versatile norse god  is odin the all father and king of  asgard  like zeus odin rules the heavens but  he's also a deity associated with poetry  war and magic so he's going to have a  lot of tricks up his sleeve when it  comes to his attempts  to avert ragnarok odin is extremely  clever you see  nearly as clever as he thinks he is and  he's a collector of prophecies  if it's about the future he adds it to  his collection  he's definitely going to come to blows  with kratos at some point  mirroring zeus's mistakes in the  original god of war games  but odin might not be the big bad we  believe him to be  because according to nordic prophecy.

odin is going to be ultimately defeated  by fenrir  the giant wolf this could mean kratos is  the one who frees fenrir in the end  he's not the king of the norse gods but  thor is definitely the most  famous and is a major part of the  ragnarok prophecy  he's almost guaranteed to be the main  antagonist for the next game in the  series  but will we see the thunder god on his  own  well according to some sources thor has  a stepson named  ulla who is a gifted archer and who's  already been mentioned.

since thor's two other sons magni and  modi were both defeated by kratos  it would make sense for him to seek  ulla's help since  ullah like atreus is talented at archery  this would make him and thor an ideal  foil for our main characters  fimbo winter was ending and thor came  for us  here at the house it was only a dream  but it felt different ps5 exclusive  you will not touch her i don't need your  protection  [Music]  the previous game was one of the best  looking games of all time  and perhaps the most graphically  powerful sony exclusive ever seen.

with this in mind the upcoming sequel is  sure to shatter expectations once again  it will undoubtedly be a beautiful and  vast game but  will it run on ps4 what are we waiting  for  think it's far we will see  while some next-gen titles are getting  releases on old hardware  notably sony's other looming flagship  sequel horizon forbidden west  it's entirely possible that god of war  ragnarok will be for the playstation 5  only however the director of the  original god of war games  david jaffe believes that a ps4 version  will release  but would the game be harmed by attempts  to make it run on last  gen only time will tell look it  that building leads from the foot of the  mountain to that golden temple  it was all just under the surface  thimble winter.

the title of the next game is widely  speculated to be ragnarok thanks to the  focus  on the ragnarok prophecy and the tagline  that ragnarok  is coming but will the second game in an  impending trilogy be about ragnarok  at all well the conclusion of the last  game told us that thimble winter  was about to begin a period of deadly  cold after which point  thor will arrive to face kratos bit of a  cold snap lately  what he means is bimbo winner's upon us  boys  the winner to end all winners only after  fimber winter is over will ragnarok  truly begin  which means the next game might actually  focus on fimble winter  and thor's pursuit of kratos leaving  ragnarok.

itself for the finale then we will worry  about it tomorrow  today there are still things we can do  come new realms how does it work  you will need this a bifrost to create  travel between realms  it can capture hold and transfer the  light of alpha  it took numerous games for kratos to see  everything the greek world had to offer  killing the entire grecian pantheon one  by one  so it's hardly surprising that santa  monica didn't let you explore the  entirety of the nine worlds to your  heart's content in the last game  saving plenty of locations for the  inevitable sequels. so Thank Guys!

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