
Saturday 20 March 2021

5 Ways To Make $100,000 A Year | How To Make More Money In 2021

Hello Guys!  Let's do something. if you want to earn ahundred thousand dollars a year then you'll need to earn a bit more thaneight thousand dollars a month and quite franklythat's a decent amount of income for one person to generatebut this isn't to say that it can't be done in fact millions of people haveattained and surpassed that annual income figure the real question youshould be asking is how. and in this Article i will share with youfive ways to make a hundred thousand dollars a yearand. morelife-changing content method number one good educationand a high-paying job if you're not up for theentrepreneurial side of life then the only way you can earn a hundred thousanddollars a year is by securing a high-paying job there'sa wide variety of high paying jobs for graduates regardless of the degree youhold however you must choose your careerwisely and pursue the required degrees not surprisingly the highest paid jobsyou will find require at least some sort of degreeand a decent amount of experience.

let me share with you a few examples with thefirst being the role of a chief executive officer or ceo ceos havea duty of overseeing all departments in a companyit is their job to set strategic goals make tough business decisionsmonitor business budgets and report to the board of directorssuch an important job requires one to possess a bachelor's degree in businessor any other business related degree as you can imagine being a ceo of a companyis no easy task which means a candidate must have asignificant amount of working experience in the fieldbecoming a ceo of a company is not easy you'll have to work your way up to thetop and this will take years there is an exception to this rulethough you can attain the title of ceo in an instant but that is only if youstart your own company top paying industries for ceos includemanufacturing telecom science and medicine and a ceosalary within the first five years of that positioncan range from a hundred and twenty thousand dollars to a hundred and fiftythousand dollars after ten years.

it can go as high as twohundred thousand dollars per year or more however if leading a company isn'tfor you then you can consider a more technical job like a computer andinformation systems manager this position requires a holder to make surethe technological needs of the company are not lackingit is also the duty of the holder to make sure the employees are wellequipped and trained to carry out their taskssupervising maintenance software and hardware installation andnetwork security are also part of their job descriptionto apply for this position applicants must have a bachelor's degree in itor computer science a significant amount of work experience is also requiredwithin 10 years of work experience holders of this position can earn up to120 000 per year one final example is therole of a pilot it doesn't matter if it's militarychoppers charter planes helicopters or commercial jetsa pilot's job is a very delicate nature as they are entrusted with the safetransportation of people and cargo across.

the sky from one region toanother as part of their job description they are responsible for observing floodconditions checking the safety of the planecommunicating with air traffic control as well as co-pilots to become aprofessional pilot you must train for and obtain an airline transport pilotcertificate a bachelor's degree is also requiredpilots earn up to 69 000 per year within their first fiveyears at work but start to earn between 110and 130 thousand dollars per year after the first 10 years on the jobas you can see there are plenty of jobs that you can obtain that will have youearning a hundred thousand dollars or morestrictly through salary however these jobs often take a lot of time climbingthe corporate ladder and can be exclusionary if you cannotafford to obtain the education and training that is requiredto hold these roles it's for this reason that i will now share the second methodof earning six figures a year method number two a good job and abusiness another way to hit.

the hundred thousanddollar per year mark is to start a business while you are still employed atyour nine to five job you can use some of the money saved fromyour salary to start your small business the amount you need as capital willdepend on the kind of business and if this idea appeals to you but you haveno money saved to fund your new venture then i recommend you form a savings plantoday now depending on your passion or skillthere are various businesses you can startwhile still retaining your day job one option is fashion designthe good thing about this business is that you can make your clothes after youare done with your regular job for the dayand you can start small if you don't have a lot of upfront capitaljust buy a sewing machine make your clothes upload pictures on your socialmedia platforms and interested individuals may contact youto design for them another popular side business is fitnesstraining. 

if you have a passion for training people on how to keep fitthen you might want to consider this you can train your students on evenings andon weekends or whenever else you find yourself with free timethe key to marrying a job in a business is to ensure that you are passionateabout the business you create chances are you will have to work eighthours a day fixated at your job and you will need your passion toenergize your efforts when it comes time to build yourbusiness method number three a good job and asset management havinglong-term investments is the true key to financial freedom andwealth long-term investments include real estate and dividend stocksgetting into the real estate or stock business will require some capital ofcourse and this is where your salary comes inif you're interested in real estate investing.

then you would need to providea twenty percent minimum down payment of the value of the propertyas most banks require this means if you're looking to buy a property worth ahundred thousand dollars you'll need to make a twenty thousanddollar upfront payment with proper planning and good savingshabits you'll be able to raise the upfront payment by saving a percentageof your salary every month during my own quest to buy home i wouldsend 10 of each paycheck into a home savings accountand i ensured that any windfall i received was also included in my homesavings efforts then once you own the home it is time tomake it earn you some income if you are living in the home this willinclude renting out a room on the contrary this property could beused as a rental unit and every time you collect. 

rentyou are moving yourself one step closer to earning that a hundred thousanddollars you desire when this rental income is combined witha decent salary there is no reason you can't be earningat least a hundred thousand dollars a yearthe same goes for dividend investing by building up a large enough holdingyour quarterly dividend paid checks when combined with your salaryshould be able to help you crack the six figure markmethod number four running a business while the previously mentionedcombinations of getting a good education and a high paying jobcan make you a hundred thousand dollars a year there is another viable means tomake a hundred thousand dollars and that is running a business thinkabout it the richest people in the world all run businesses.

you can begin yourjourney to such wealth but you have to realize that it's a gradualprocess to be a successful entrepreneur yourbusiness must be able to solve a problem or many problems also you must providequality goods or services a very competitive pricesif your business is able to do this then you'll be on your way to earning up toand likely even more than a hundred thousand dollars per yearmethod number five a good job and freelancingthe final way and the one i recommend for most people to earn a hundredthousand dollars per year is by combining your day job with afreelancing job for those who do not know whatfreelancing or freelance worker is allow me to explain a freelancer issomeone who has a specialized.

skill but does not work for one employer orcompany a freelancer renders his or her services to multiple clientsallowing them to vary their projects and diversify their incomethe good thing about freelancing is that you have no set work timesas is typically demonized in the nine to five work structurewhat this means is that you can go about your freelancing work after you are donewith your regular job the reality is that many individualslive off freelancing income alone but for those who already work a 9-5 jobthis extra income can be the key that unlocks their six-figure salary letme share with you a few examples of freelance jobs you can combine with yourregular job with the first being writing this is oneof the most popular freelance jobs in the worldthere are many forms of writing you can take up these includeproduct review writing informative articles.

copywritingebook writing fictional writing entertainment writing etcto give you a more detailed example writing an ebook for a client can earnyou as much as 10 000 depending on the book's length andrequired effort as for articles product reviews andother blog posts can earn you up to 33 dollars per hournext is graphic design graphic design is another freelance job you can take up toincrease your earnings if you have the skill then you could beresponsible for making all sorts of digital flyers for businessesas well as cover designs for ebooks albums wedding invitation cards businesslogos and complimentary cards there is nofixed price for graphic design and work as everyone can charge as they see fithowever you can make as much as three thousand dollars to design a singlebusiness. 

logo the better your work is the more recommendations you willreceive hence you will be able to charge higherfees sadly not everyone possesses a skillthat they can simply go to the market with and start making more moneysimply put we all possess skills but not all of them have as much value on theopen market in fact for a long time i wanted toincrease my income but had no idea where to startclearly work was not going to give me a huge raise to allow me to earnsix figures so i had to find another way andnow that i have i want to share my wisdom with you this is why i createdthe side hustle success course where i show you how to build a freelance sitehouse from scratch.

that you can use to earn at least athousand dollars a month and succeeding with this course requires no priorexperience as i walk you through step by step exactly how to scale up toa thousand dollars or more a month and unlock the newfound financial successthat comes with making more money so. Thank you Guys!   

( Disclaimer :: I am not a financial adviser. This article are for educational purposes only.)

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